W-I-D-E on Wednesday: Religion

A busy day - we accompanied our son to take his car for the winter tyres (or tires!) to be changed to summer ones and to do some other shopping (including at the ubiquitous yellow-and-blue warehouse). Our job was to help look after little Grandson Paddy who was a little angel today throughout the trip.

I was (of course!) constantly on the lookout for a subject for today's Widwed challenge hosted by Bobsblips on the theme of "Religion", and came across this burger joint with a fascinating name, which seemed to fit the bill and in a way seemed to me to sum up our increasingly non-religious society.

In actual fact when I Googled the name I found that it has an interesting origin. The founder, one Shant Mardirosian, came from California to Toronto to attend Seminary school with plans to become a priest. But something didn’t feel quite right. He hoped that his true calling would reveal itself. Luckily for burger lovers it finally did! Shant had always revered a fresh, classic old-fashioned burger but finding one was becoming increasingly rare in a world of apparent burger defilement: frozen patties, over-seasoned and compromised beef quality, order speed over a burger-eating experience that was fresh and perfect every time. So a giant leap of faith was taken and shortly thereafter, The Burger’s Priest was conceived.

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