Deja View

By dejaview


I have made it!! It has taken me about 17 months to get to my 365 but I got there!

I have been thinking about this blip for quite some while but no amazing ideas would come. Then, I woke up very early (unusually for me) this morning, looked across at the mirror in my room and spent quite a while just 'thinking things through'. That was it ... so the longsuffering Mr DV was woken up (unintentionally), and there you have it. The view from my bed!!

Of course the reflections are more than just what can be seen in the mirror. More than a year of my life has been recorded through blip, and although I have kept a written diary for over 20 years this is such a wonderful, visual reminder. Already I am looking back and thinking how much my grandson, Harry has grown in those months and consequently how much older I have become too!!

Anyway, I obviously need to say some thank yous. Joe, of course - what a great idea you came up with. I hope you are very proud of what has grown out of your original idea. All the people who have stayed with me .. and helped me through the tough times, Mr DV and my son recently re-invented as Romper Stomper! The whole of my family, especially Harry who is my number 1 model!! Most of all - my dear friend, Caged Bird who is, sadly, no longer a member of the Blip family who introduced me in the first place and then all of you - the friends I have made through blip. I have to mention Kath Gordon because she is an absolute stalwart .. she has been there since the beginning and is a constant support. A big thank you Kath and all my other special friends - I hope you know who you are.

I am sorry I am not as good as I should be about commenting, maybe I'm not so good at time management as some of you or maybe occasionally I get my priorities wrong (or right, depending which way you look at it). you are all wonderful and even though I don't think my photography has improved much I am so grateful for getting to know you all.

Off to work now, but will spread the red balloon and the GOLDEN camera around as much as possible later!!!

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