Met up withJi for coffee at Thraves in Lutterell Hall. This is old ‘parish rooms’ which were in danger of demolition but were bought by a private company 4-5 years ago and fully renovated . Many of my local friends remember going to dances, whist drives etc in the 60s and70s. They did an excellent restoration job - hall is 1930s and listed, with lots of mainly Art Deco but also Art Nouveau features. It now has a coffee shop and a big hall which is hired out for community events. I am hoping they might get a projector in there and some comfy seating to show films. I particularly like the barrelled and vaulted ceiling, with restrained but beautiful plaster work.
Got hone and pottered for a bit, made a red pepper dip and then more planting in the garden. Wont get it all done before my holidays, but Ji will come and keep everything alive.
Had a quick shower and then walked down to Ls fir supper with A as well, and to discuss recent foodbank survey that we did
Home and straight to bed.

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