Keeping Your Hair Dry

This couple were an easy target to approach to get my portrait. Walking through a quiet Leeds city centre late on Sunday afternoon, a little light rain falling, Nicia started to use her handbag as a hat, much to the delight of Lewis. They were both lovely. 

Back home, I was intending to crack on with some writing, grabbing every available moment I can right now, but I got totally derailed by the snooker. I'd not seen a live ball of the World Championships this year, mainly because I've had no time and dared not get sucked into any matches. As soon as I started watching, I got transported into the story and the drama. That's the thing about snooker. Once you get invested in a match, it's utterly compelling. And tonight was one of the best sessions of snooker I've ever seen. Luca Brucel is a complete revelation.

Posting this a few days late, the final proceeded the next day to an astonishing climax. Like many, once he starting coming back, I was convinced that Mark Selby was going to crush the newbie. Luca had finally lost his calmness and was missing every long red he took on. It looked like it was going to be painful to watch. But, no, he turned it around and came through with two frames to spare. Mark Selby is amazing but to see this guy from Belgium come through, never having been beyond the first round before, with his attacking presence at the table, was very special. It was hugely entertaining. If cricket is the perfect outdoor game, snooker is the perfect indoor game. There is nothing that could be changed to make it better to watch.

If life ever slows down and gives me time to spare, it would be a wonderful way to spend two weeks, just watching it all unfold on TV. I think I could be happy doing that.

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