30 plus years...
When Mollie posted this photo on Facebook on our anniversary (the original is Jon & I, but I cut him out) I felt quite sad at what a cruel spell time casts.
Today, I had my hair tied up on top for yoga and it reminded me of that photo - and without a blip photo prepared I thought I'd do a comparison. I think I'm about 25 maybe in that first photo. I look totally different. My face has changed shape, I have quite a few more chins - but I still have my hair, and the colour is still natural (although not the same!)
Today work was busy. It was the first day with my new team. Well, with any team, since my appointment to the team manager role on 1st January. 4 months! Anyway, I hope we will be able to work together towards the common goal, and that I will be able to get them all onside. It remains to be seen whether I still have the skills to make that happen. There is still a lot of uncertainty and a little unrest. But I intend to try my best to quell fears as we go forward.
After yoga and dinner we watched the final two episodes of Great Expectations. I enjoyed it, although it was quite dark. I didn't know the storyline - but I do now.
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