Reaching For My Red Pen

I didn’t play a full round of golf this morning, as I wanted to take the car in to the garage before we collected Sophie this afternoon, but I did manage to play much better on the holes I did play.

As for the car, they think it may be a leaky tyre valve or valves but until the warning light comes on again they can’t check to see which one(s) are faulty.

After we picked Sophie up she wanted to go to the pool before dancing so she (and we) are all suitably exhausted now. At least she’s tucked up in bed!

I saw this logo on the side of a parked van while we were waiting outside Sophie’s school: I spent ages trying to work out what “hallin’” meant and wondered if it was a Somerset dialect word I’d not heard before (I’ve since googled it and can’t find it) but decided in the end it must just be a misspelling.

The former English teacher in me had me itching for a red pen: someone needs hauling over the coals!

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