Misty morning at Mylor

Up at 3:45 so I could walk the dogs before making my way to Padstow first then onto Mylor to pick up some lobsters before 7.
It was a mystical drive with valley fog and the sun rising.
The dogs were amazing, they always come to work with me, they have their own kennel and run out the back of the hatchery. But I won't leave them when there is no one in the building, so I asked my line manager if I could crate them in the works van when I drove down to get the lobsters, he agreed (I have done it before without problems with Jessie and Kelly but never Dina and Keely).
The work's van is smaller than mine and I just managed to get one crate in next to the lobster icytek, the dogs duly got in when I asked them and quietly cuddled up together for the journey.
The early start fortunately was made up for by an earlier finish, had a nice walk on the way home, and a relaxing afternoon

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