
By bigred1977

Substation & Palm

So todays picture is for my dad, He's an electrical engineer & always used to go on about how he put the substation in that building etc etc.....anyways heres a picture of an old substation I drove past today.

I'm using my time off to the full I drove half way across Sydney to pick up so sausages from a butchers called Rodriguez. According to my mate Chris they have the best sausages in Sydney..... I picked up a load of them for Maja's(his partner) birthday barbie we are going to on Saturday..... I assume they are more for him than her though......

Anyways cheers for all the support regarding the job hunt..... I have another interview tomorrow @ Rail Corp.....Andrea starts her job in Canberra next week ... I'm about to send off another application for a job in Canberra & she had an interview in Sydney this week & has a telephone interview set up for a job in Sydney next week..... its all very stressful & confusing !!!!

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