Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Apple Blossom.

The Feast Day of St. Athanasius.
I have been on a lovely long walk in Rishton to capture as many different varieties of trees with blossom. It is the peak time and they all look splendid.
I have set up a Blossoms 2023 folder on our laptop. There was cherry, almond, apple and a few I was not sure what they were, beautiful deep pink and some nearly red, quince perhaps.
Today is my brother in law's birthday and he is in England to visit my Father in law.  R is doing as well as can be hoped for, but your prayers and healing thoughts are most welcome and many thanks for your consideration.
Paul is going to spend a few days visiting his Father.
Yesterday we decided to change our broadband provider from TalkTalk to BRSK. They have been erecting poles for fibre optics nearby and promise much speedier connection. It is also £50 cheaper for the first 6 months and they are promising to not increase costs for the next few years because of the cost of living situation Their call centre is in England and they are based in Yorkshire.. All good. We can move the installation box when we move to our new house in about 8 weeks.
Well, I hope you like my choice of apple blossom. It is my favourite one and equal in my "blossom love" to pink cherry blossom.
The weather is cloudy and overcast but 12c, so pleasant.
Have a lovely Tuesday and thank you for visiting my site today blip friends.

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