RW's Daily Exposures

By rwsphotography

Desert view West from Mariposa

Tonight I took the Jeep up to the end of Reservoir Road to look at the edge of the edge of the World. Off in the distance, center is Mount Taylor over 50 miles away. The peak is over 11,000 feet (almost a "teener").

This shot is taken less than a mile from our house at 7800 feet. I often  ride my bike from home to this point and if it's cloudy with blue skies, it looks like you are looking at the edge of the Earth.

Sometimes the sky is like on fire. Tonight not so, but if you look close enough you can see how green the vegetation is. Usually, it's dry and brown-brick red this time of year. A testimony of how much rain and snow we've had this year. 

The extra image is my Jeep parked on the paved road, just off the trail where I took the image of Mt. Taylor. You can see the lights of Albuquerque, about 30 miles away at elevation of 5000 feet.



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