
Today's the day ...................... to make jam

I know it sounds crazy but I find this is a good time of the year to make strawberry jam.

English strawberries are in the supermarkets now and there are usually quite good deals to be had.  Because they have been hurried on, they are often a bit hard and certainly not as juicy and tasty as they will be later in the summer.  They are great for jam-making though and if you can find some jam sugar (which has got pectin added in) - it really will make itself in less than half an hour.

Home-made strawberry jam is streets ahead of shop-bought - so give it a go!  Here's Mary Berry's recipe .......................

1kg/2lb 4oz fresh strawberries, washed, hulled and dried
1 lemon, juice only
1kg/2lb 4oz jam sugar

If the strawberries are large, cut them in half. Put the strawberries and lemon juice into a large pan. Heat for a few minutes to soften, add the sugar and stir over a low heat until the sugar has dissolved.
Once the sugar has dissolved and the liquid is clear, boil steadily for about 6 minutes, or until at setting point. To test if the jam is at setting point, spoon a little onto a cold plate, leave for a minute and then push the jam with your finger. If the jam crinkles and separates without flooding back, setting point has been reached.
Set aside to cool for 10 minutes. Spoon into sterilised jars, label and seal with wax paper and a lid.

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