Shall we? shan't we ? walk up Ingleborough?

We walked some of the route and then got side tracked by a sign post that pointed to Crummock dale, what a great sounding name . We encountered an expanse of limestone paving , which was bathed in sunshine. We had a general wander about poking around between the Clints looking for plants and so on. The limestone areas have their very own specialised fauna and flora. 
We were surprised by the naked skies , no birds of prey and no ground nesting birds . A few meadow pippits but little else. Once again centuries of heavy grazing have created a barren landscape. There are moves afoot to improve the diversity of habitat and then wildlife, areas have been fenced off to sheep and belted cattle introduced, their habits are apparently more favourable to improving the land. I keep thinking , will we live long enough to see the impact ? I read Rachel Carson’s “ Silent Spring , ‘ when I was a young teen, 50 years ago and only now in the last decade do we seem to have woken up . 
After a return to the van and  a meal eaten we wandered along a green lane , slowly climbing upward carrying our binocs to see what dusk might offer. We watched 2 large rabbits [ not hares ] a few corvids and some seagulls. The sun was warm on the face and the landscape easy on the eye.   

I am wearing my Christmas  t'shirt from J and K , made by Max in the Ukraine . It's beautiful colours and design gave me joy all day . 

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