
How could I say no when Sim messaged yesterday to see if I fancied having O so he could take Nat out for a date night.

As Mr C was busy jet washing our patios I suggested meeting at Ripley to do a handover and then take him to Wisley to have a bit of a runaround.  As usual Sim was running a little late.  Lucy and I stayed at Ripley for a while so O could play in the little park and then headed 2 mins up the road to Wisley where I wanted to purchase some new lavender as the ones I bought last year have all died.  I also wanted to have a quick look at the tulip displays in the garden.  We went into the gardens and had a very quick look around (I know there are lots more tulips that we didn’t see) then a quick cuppa before going into the shop for our plant purchases. O picked two yellow plants :-D

Back home for play, dinner, bath and bed.

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