...when they get to this stage - and I know that several Blip friends feel the same.

There is just something about a tulip when it is, what most people would call, “past its best” - but to me they have so much more character when they look like this.

This one reminded me of a tall, slim dancer and of course, I could see some of my favourite colours of mauve and purple so this one won the day, although the pink ones were beautiful too.

Mr. HCB has spent the morning in the garden and when it rained, he just adjourned to the greenhouse, but we are walking over to see some friends we haven’t seen for a while, to catch up with them - so looking forward to that.

Now I need to try and find out why my external hard drive isn’t working properly - we have a very kind young man at church who is always willing to help, but I will try and work it out myself first and then ask him if I can’t manage.

Thinking of tulips - and a play on words here - two lips, I thought this word fitted in well for today - I wonder how many times I can slip it into my conversation in the next week?

The overwhelming desire or sudden urge to kiss someone.

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