Place: Largo, FL 69/77
Main activity: Sun - swim, around the house
Notes: Cool and quite windy - was awake 222a for over an hour so a bit hard getting up around 7a. Finally dragged out of bed and went to the pool for laps. Good but chilly getting out and walking back. Hot shower, my amazing coffee and the CBS Sun Morning Show - it's amazing how many TV personalities don't look real or like themselves anymore. Made eggs and french toast w/ a salad. Did things around the house, DW, laundry, tending to the plants - here are the microgreens that have sprouted up nicely (I think I have to use a lot more seeds), took a little nap. Later watched the Sox beat the Rays (first time in 7 games), talked to Al. Cool crisp air in the evening and lovely to open windows again.

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