hard pleasures

By aonon56


I have visited Stephen Bartlets gallery in Victoria. Gallery (stephenbartletsgallery) represents photographers that shoot Leica (fim or digital) and has interesting concept. Visitors can see (on three big HD screens) in continous loop, work of photographers gallery represents, and if they want to buy, Stephen organises prints through Printspace. While I was chatting to Stephen (he is on the left with m9 and 50/lux) one girl (Nikon FME) and two guys (Mamiya c330 and Leica IIg) came in, and Stephen and Mamiya-guy decided to take each others photo.
Apart from that what else has happened in the day. I cam from Zagreb in the morning without much sleep and generally exhausted from the day(s) before. B was at her course and A was working on her thesis in my office so I was left to my own devices. After SBG I went to Courtauld Gallery to see Becoming Picasso 1901 exhibition; which was really good. I liked particularly his two self portraits Yo Picasso (it sounds punk and it has some strange punk energy in them). In Somerset House I saw Blumenfeld Studio: New York, 1941-1960 and later on in Margaret Street Gallery I saw Transplant by Patrick & Tristram Fetherstonhaugh

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