Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


I found this oak seedling while gardening so I am attempting to rescue it. Totally amazing that the acorn looked like lungs. 

It has two choices.

I also found a little holly sapling so yep trying to rescue that as well.

Operation shed is progressing, just slowly. 

But I did fill the garden waste bin, and I have another giant bag full of nettles. That I have pulled, we don't want to use chemicals so yep it's pull, pull and pull. We will get there, of course I will be leaving some, good for the bugs and beasties.   

While we are reclaiming space we don't want to sterilise the garden. 

I also found a squirrel skull, gave that to Mr Mouse, he said I give him the best things. 

The youngling was also pretty interested in the skull. 

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