
Another lovely day. Sunshine from dawn to dusk. We had breakfast outside, watching the sea, listening to the terns, before Mike headed off to work and I got stuck into a morning of gardening. Planted out the cauliflower and the dwarf French beans - perhaps unwisely, but I can always put a fleece over them if the weather deteriorates too much.

Working in the craft shop in the afternoon but very quiet. I think tourists have better things to do in weather like this than spend it in shops! I propped the door open and was serenaded by a chap singing along to a compilation CD of John Denver hits as he cleaned his car! I think he had it on random play - we certainly got some tracks several times, including Leaving on a Jet Plane . . .

After tea Ollie and I went up to the cliff top to see what we could see. Lots of sea pinks, thrift, just beginning to flower everywhere and fulmars settling down for the night as the sun goes down.

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