Perfect Morning

And not a bad afternoon.

Writing this while sitting with Ruth as she eats some supper …. including one of my homemade chocolate and candied peel cookies. They turned out rather well :-). Ruth is not feeling quite as perky as yesterday but has slept more than of late which is good. She has a room of her own which is especially good, the sensory impact of being in a bay with other patients is very difficult for people with autism.

The drive over here was uneventful. I had my sandwich at the windmill with Celia and Iain to break the journey. Grey and sometimes wet in the midlands but it was a glorious spring day in Wales. I was minding Bella and took both dogs out for a walk this morning. The views were beautiful. Clear air, plenty of roadside flowers and we didn’t meet a soul.

Jamie was at regional riding for the disabled event in Wrexham. He’s qualified to compete in the national championships :-)

A good day

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