MollyCollie's favourite trough

This morning I went on a mega long walk because Ann was going out for lunch and she knew that after a couple of bottles of wine, she wouldn't have the energy to take me too far afterwards.

This is my predecessor, MollyCollie's, most favourite trough in the whole wide world. Every single time she walked past this trough, she used to jump into it for a good old wallow.

I'm a bit more refined. I just stood on the edge and had a drink because it is full of lovely clean water.

And in other news....................... Ann's getting a bit worried about me................. She thinks I'm eating too much. I seem to have been starving since we came back to Cornwall. A dog my size should get about 240g of food a day. I never get that much. I usually get between 100-110g for breakfast and dinner, but when I'm in Edinburgh I quite often don't bother to eat my breakfast. The last few days, I've been wolfing down both my breakfast and dinner and then leaping around asking for more. Why do you think that is?

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