Today's the day ..................... to paddle your own
This is a sight that we don't often see over our garden fence - down on the River Dee.
The reason for that is simply because this bit of the river is just downstream of the Tongland Hydro-Electric Power Station. Twice a day, when they are generating electricity at the Power Station, a large volume of water is suddenly released back into the river, to eventually make its way out into the Solway Firth.
It can really be quite a dramatic sight, depending on how high or low the water level is in the river at the start. I'm not a canoeist but I imagine you might need a bit of skill to handle your craft if you suddenly got engulfed in a load of water. So perhaps not the place to bring quite a young toddler on a sight-seeing trip? He must have paddled past the signs warning of the danger and thought it all looked safe enough.
Just as well then, that we kept an eye on them - until they were safely on their way downstream again ...................!
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