Triventful Triathaday

He must be about three years old now - Marty is one of our garden cat community enjoying the sunshine today as did Rufus and I on our walks - though the boisterous wind was chilly and sometimes made walking quite hard work.

A tri-part day - I need to invent a word for a day easily divisible in to three events - Triptychal? Triathaday? Trivental?  What ever we call it, today was a long morning of animal husbandry, an afternoon in Didim for an appointment with the dental surgeon - work on my implants resumes next Tuesday afternoon - and a really nice evening of dinner and drinks at Casper's restaurant in Didim with Graham and Kat, and of course, Rufus who made some friends - both the canine and human kind -. but mostly sat quietly under my chair. 

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