Wedding photos

We went up to the lovely outdoor café in Poppi. We had escaped the house as it was having its first viewing. There was much excitement shortly after we have sat down when they’re very flash Lamborghini pulled up the hill and was directed to stop in front of the castle. Three photographers evidence and it looked like the couple who gradually emerged from the car had recently been married. The bride wore a stunning sequinned dress, and the groom was got up in a burgundy tight fitting suit, and no socks as far as one could tell. The photography session went on for sometime and provided distraction on a balmy afternoon. We soon left from a strategic vantage point we could see that the people viewing the house were still there. We drove around rather aimlessly, enjoying the countryside, bursting into life.

The viewing seemed to go well, although there were some concerns about the quantity of land that comes with the house, and now that would be kept under control.

I’ve added an extra of the happy couple and their motorcar.

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