IMS Dalt Vila

What. A. Day.
It started early with one of the school moms, Natalia. She's an especially lovely local woman who we've known since Asha began school years ago. We don't get together as often as we'd like, so it was good we both finally made the time! We caught up too well which left me cutting it very fine to catch the bus to the IMS conference!
I spent the day listening to talks, Q&As and interviews from people in the electronic music industry. So so interesting. Not at all my world, but so utterly fascinating. I definitely felt like a fish out of water, but it helped that I had a job to do. Taking notes on talks, pics, and feeding pics and quotes through to the music publication in the UK for their twitter feed. Funny to see and listen to DJ names I grew up with. Claire joined me late afternoon which was good. Then home for a cup of tea and change of clothes and up to Dalt Vila for the party.
We were so fortunate to be press which meant we could be right by everything but not in the crush! Met all sorts of interesting people (before it got too loud!), got to be on the stage and take pics of the djs! A brilliant night! My body is still reverberating from the crazy intense bass. But I love that feeling of the bass going through your entire body, wakes your soul up somehow.
Home and exhausted, but so happy!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The opportunity to do something different and hear different subjects discussed.
2) Time with Natalia.
3) Danny getting me a post midnight burger after I'd not eaten in the day. Felt like a student having a kebab after a night out, ha!

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