Bluebell Wood

J’s sister is staying another day, which gave me the opportunity to head out for an afternoon walk. It being late April, I am keen to see a bluebell wood and to hear and possibly see a reed and/or sedge warbler in or around a reedbed.

I headed to Bluebell Cottage garden, parked up and then walked down to the River Weaver. I walked through the bluebell wood, which was carpeted with bluebells, as well as patches of wood anemone, wild garlic and celandine. For a short period in Spring the woodland floor is a magical blue flush of colour, light reaching the ground through the still open canopy of trees. Wonderful.

Then at the Weaver I found reed warblers, which with the old reeds dying back and the new reeds only now starting to grow are more visible as they sing than they will be later in the season.

I took a lot of photos, and have included three is extras.

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