And another cat

Our lovely old man Joe having a little sunbathe. My week has been very cat focussed!

The highlight of the day was a call from Monsieur Le Gac! He last called us after the mocks to say how disappointed he was with Will’s spoken French exam. Today, he was cock a hoop! He said he was really worried a few weeks ago when he realised Will still had no real idea of the words he was meant to be saying. He was so funny, telling a proper story- “I was very worried, Will was my last person of the day and tension was mounting. And then he was excellent, a real transformation”. I explained my key role in the transformation and how I had wanted to throw all the bloody question cards at Will’s head at some points. He congratulated me on my perseverance, told me again how brilliant Will was and wished me a happy weekend. I like to please the teachers and am now asking Will what revision we will do together this weekend.

He continues to refuse to embrace my GCSE enthusiasm. I’ll come up with a nice plan for him tomorrow….

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