Felley Priory

Bluebells never look as impressive or magical in photos. There’s something about the way our eyes communicate them in their majesty.

The bluebell woods, high above Felley Priory, are worth every slippery step of the mile climb from the garden.  
Miles of the dense blue native bluebells……and wonderful even in the gloomy light we had today.

I was so pleased I’d worked hard at my swimming each morning. I made it carefully to the top. I would have hated to miss them. 

The garden is glorious too - far more impressive later in midsummer, with the beds ablaze with colour. 

It’s north of Nottingham, on the M1: just to the left when you leave the motorway at the Sherwood Forest turn off. It’s well worth the journey. 

PS. I put the catmint outside the back door, away from Suki for the time being. This morning the pot was overturned and every leaf torn off ! It’s now on the window ledge in the downstairs loo. I blame next door’s cat…….

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