pebble underneath my feet

By anjali

when you work it out, i'm worse than you

I have wanted to go to the Saatchi gallery for a few years now but hadn't made it until today. It's very cool and I'm still amazed that it's completely free! These were some very disturbing sculptures/models of men with limbs missing. Scary stuff but quite cool in the visual sense.

The sun was shining and although it was a bit nippy, it was definitely nicer than yesterday so we spent a lot of time mooching around London. We also had lovely food throughout the day - markets, frozen yogurt and tapas at cafe brindisa. Rhiannon and I were both saying how positive we feel at the moment about the future. I do think your 30s are so much better than your 20s in that you kind of just get on with the life you want to have and not the life you think you ought to have. It's a good feeling :)

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