Miniature World
I have also backblipped yesterday's First Welsh Poppy of the year! ..... hope you will have a look .... thanks to those who already have :-)
Yay! I've caught up! For now!
"Natural Abstract" is the theme this week for Abstract Thursday ..... thanks to Ingeborg for continuing to host :-)
I am never quite sure exactly what constitutes a Natural Abstract
Is it that the subject is of the natural world? Is it that the image has not been fartnarkled? Or is it both of these?
What I came up with (I hope) would fit any/all of the above criteria ..... dilemma solved!
This is various lichen, moss etc growing on tarmac ..... SOOC ....... not fartnarkled but just as nature intended .... hope this fits the bill!
Another dismal damp grey cold day ....... when is it going to warm up? I'm still wearing some of my winter woollies & wondering if I'll need my thermals!
Stay safe everyone :-)
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