Scenery change needed!

Nate definitely got better as the day wore on, thank goodness! Feeling hugely relieved...
I collected Asha from school and we came to the Port for some air and a change of scenery. There's a National Geographic photo exhibition on in the Port, all outdoor and free. So Ash and I enjoyed looking at that. We got ice-cream and sat on the steps looking at this view. Town was crazy crazy busy, we wondered why and then noticed the 2 huge cruise ships on the other side of the harbour!
Susanna popped by for a cup of tea and to collect more stuff she'd left here this last month. Good to see her and natter. Especially as we cancelled Community dinner & discussion tonight because of Nate.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Potentially good news for Mitch.
2) Nate being chirpier and more like himself.
3) Time with just Asha.

The thumbnail is the stage being set up for a big IMS (International Music Summit) gig I'll be at on Friday night. Plus I've been given a free ticket for the conference part too! Claire's covering it for a music magazine and I'm her +1!

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