Our Future Overlords

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I have been scaring myself lately by reading about AI. 

You know, when dumb people are scared of stuff like immigration or vaccines, I'm all good with it.

But when smart people are scared of stuff like global warming and AI, then I get a bit squirrelly. Even if I don't really understand it myself. Lately, researchers in the field have been warning about what might happen if AI develops "God-like" intelligence. 

God-like? That made some wee come out.

All the same, I must admit I'm kind of loving Chat GPT right now. Look at this! I gave it a list of my favourite films and it made some recommendations. 

I told it I had seen all of those and I needed something more obscure. Then it made some more cult-y recommendations. For some bizarre reason it included the film, "Seconds" on the list twice.

I pointed this out to it. It apologised and then as a replacement it recommended "Seconds" again. 

So not God-like yet. Phew.

I'll check back next week. In the meantime, be kind to it. It knows where you live.


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