Lala's Journal

By Lala


I’m not sure about this house I pass on my dog walk each morning. 

Full of sadness today, and for once not for myself. On Monday I heard of a colleague whose husband has been given a few months only. Yesterday I received a call telling me that B’s friend and fellow band member had passed away unexpectedly. Although he was diagnosed just a few weeks ago with a similar cancer to B, he had been given several months. The message later from his wife was horrible, such failure again by a hospital. Today I heard of another friend and long time fellow foster carer who has cancer and been given a few months at best. I can’t stop thinking about them both, tears coming easily, it’s all so relatable. I also see Jason most days, who also has had not had the news he was hoping for regarding his cancer treatment. What is happening with our health service? Watch the news and we hear ‘it’s in crisis’. Strikes me it’s totally broken. 

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