Romping in the sunshine
Hurraaaaahhhhhhhhhh ... See how skittish we Brits get at the sight of the ball of fire in our sky ...
I was knackered today .. This is what becomes of behaving in a trollopy like manner and tweeting with a comedian you *kettle at the after show bar ..and then not getting to sleep until 2pm ..
Good news from the camping front... The rain has been downgraded from torrential to merely heavy and only a 75% chance .. This now means you all have less chance of seeing us airlifted from North Devon on Tuesday or Wednesday night this week ... Mind you bare in mind we have also been chased by wild pigs in the Forest of Dean .. Put my hand in a bucket if wee thinking it was a leak .. AND had 50mph winds take the tent in Newquay ... I think we all know something is going to happen given its the usual trio of women kids and dogs... Mind you Mr W is also coming along with his portable oven as he is sick of us living on onion ring crisps from the mini mart,I don't think he likes me yelling about constipation after 3 days away with Wiggy and Tit's McGee xxxx
Ohhhh just quickly LEICESTER TIGERS WON THE AVIVA PREMIERSHIP !!! Clearly this pleases me as the tigers are my team ( for the benefit of my USA followers I do not own them ) ;)
* Kettling ... To back into a corner and sort of corral someone much like a cowboy would kettle has herd ... Ohh and the police do it in the UK .. Not with cattle ..with protestors ....
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