Trident HoRo

I’m on pontoon duty for the week. A trip across to the harbour to identify the boats up close and then hopefully I can use the CCTV and the binocs out the window for much of the rest of the week. Brought the boat over too -there may be a mast party tomorrow.
A pottery about sort of day otherwise. So, room to record what’s been going on. Scotland being a small goldfish bowl of a media place, news has been dominated by the ongoing shenanigans with the SNP’s finances. There’s a murkiness and indeed a comic murkiness about much of it. A campervan? Much smoke, very little fire so far.
And indoors we have been romping through Blue Lights, which subject to the usual caveats, has been pretty excellent for Beeb TV. 
Oh, and I’ve started sketching out a road trip for later in the year. I was quite pleased with the resulting two week jaunt until I realised they’re all just places in Lucinda Williams songs. Vicksburg here we come! 

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