Another job completed
I sowed sweetcorn in cells, & popped the net of onion sets into cells to kick-start in the greenhouse before going to walk Indie.
Mum & I walked along to Diana's with a bunch of tulips, a box of After Eights, & get well card. She fainted with a freshly made cup of tea in her hand, so has been in hospital for a month recovering from the burns, including skin grafts, skin removed from her thigh has caused much discomfort The nurse arrived, so we headed back.
Glorious sunshine but a very chilly wind. A tad cold for Mum to be gardening so we had a blitz in the garage. The empty cigar tins, make great containers for nails & screws. Another recycle centre trip needed, but it can wait until we shop in NA.
Hubby rang to say he was coming out of hospital as soon as his meds were ready. I collected him from the main entrance around 3.30, no parking space required today thank goodness.
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