Mother Shipton

By MotherShipton


I am sticking with the mono theme today but not the farming as it is my day off.

We are currently getting our house refelted and slated. The old West Highland slates are being taken down, around 9 ton of them I am told. These are replaced with Spanish slate. The old slates have been up more than one hundred years and they are fine but the nails holding them on are decaying so we must replace.

It was a good sunny day today but the slaters were fed up to be working on a Saturday. They are intending to finish this week so that is around 3 weeks in total and a huge amount of money from me.

I am looking forward to them finishing because we have all 9 ton of slate laying around on the ground now, Oh my poor garden. We cannot get in or out of the front door and are stepping over scaffold poles and piles of broken slate and nails whenever we go outside

I hope you like this different shot of the stacked slates.

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