Something That Flies

Today ... 
I have washed the windows (not happy when a bird crapped on one of them just after I had put everything away).

I have taken this picture of whatever it was on one of the clean windows.

I took the new laptop round to the son-in-law (an IT something or other) and he "winged it" and updated everything that could be updated. He may have winged it but he at least had knowledge of what to look for and where. Things would appear to be working as I would expect now. Fingers crossed it will remain that way.

I wasn't terrified or deafened when the phone went off with Governments air-raid warning.

I have just noticed that the calendar to the right is missing entries on the 1st & 21 .......... so I am going to go and try and work out why (I may have missed the 21st while trying to get the new laptop to work ... but not the 1st).

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