
By TexMama


Im so glad to be back...

We have had some family visiting and have been so busy doing all those touristy things you do when people come to stay :0)
We were supposed to be in Oklahoma on the day the tornado hit but thankfully Mr Tex. decided to change plans because of the weather forcast and we were in Ft. Worth instead.
I have a few backblips to post but there's already a queue at the computer so I might not get them up yet :0)

I went rushing out, camera in hand this morning, determined to get a picture of something and get back to blipping...this wasn't what I had imagined at all. It was a complete accident, I was trying to get a good shot of the giant crack across the brick patio where the tree roots are pushing it up but the dog decided to stand in the way. I figured I'd play with the settings while I was waiting for him to move but then I looked at this and quite liked it...not sure why, it's horribly light, but it was more unusual than any of the other shots I had.

I have so much to catch up on, I might not comment much for a few days as I try to go back and look at everyone's blips - and clean up my house which has become a bit of a wreck with piles of blankets everywhere (we've had more people than beds so we've been crashing all over the place but it has been fun).

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