Pheasant Plucker.....S

Success!! We made it to the Spring Plant Fair at RHS Hyde Hall this morning with no car issues!! Just rubbish weather to contend with today and it's not stopped raining all day!

So I managed to get a plant (or 10!) while I was at the plant fair and talking to some of the stall holders, it seems yesterdays' sale was manic with many more people turning up than imagined, so much so that they had to open the gates early and then closed the gates at certain points to ease the flow until others had left! So maybe it was good  we didn't get there then!

And while wandering around the tents I saw 4 pheasants enjoying a nearby field so got 2 of them in shot from a fair distance

Feeling a bit rubbish energy wise this afternoon so after putting a few bits in the loft, I'm now 'relaxing' on the sofa! And watching the football, it seems the Spurs players are 'relaxing' a little too much too - 5-0 down at halftime! Well worth their millions I'm sure haha!

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