A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Red and white

for St George.
Yes it’s St George’s day today and no doubt there were parades taking place in local towns this morning. We had a mention of him in our church service, not least that he is the patron saint of many other countries and features in the culture of Islam where he managed to be martyred three times!

I was looking for red and white things for my blip as few people actually fly the flag of St George in England unless it is something to do with football! We have red ribbons around the church door from last week’s service. (We use ribbons in this way for prayers on All Saints/Souls day). The red ribbons were given out last Sunday to represent prayers that the Holy Spirit will be in those especially in positions of power and all of us as we approach the Coronation. (On Easter Sunday we were all given a prayer book for prayers everyday leading up to the Coronation). 

Today we got white ribbons for prayers for the four nations of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. They will be added to the red ones already around the door. ( I cheated here and tied my ribbon on to take the blip before returning it to the basket of others.) 
When the white ones are all added they will stay there all week, most appropriate for St George.

No prizes for guessing what will come next - then we will have a pretty red, white and blue display for the Coronation weekend.

Other red and white finds were flowers in our garden we at last have the white Pasque flower (Pulsatilla) flowering as the main one starts to fade away. Glad it has survived. The red one was there when the dark purple one started flowering but all except this one flower has been eaten by something! Hope it gets chance to open. ( See link above to blip 25-04)

We’ve got sun now which I think was unexpected but it’s cooler and set to get colder for a few days we hear!
Maybe real, warm spring weather will arrive for the Coronation.

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