Quiet Sunday: CANCELLED

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

It is kind of a rule with us that if we do something on a weekend, then the other day of that weekend is "quiet". 

As you have read, I was out on Friday night AND out all day Sunday. So today was most definitely a "quiet" day. Not doing anything. Under a duvet. The outside world can stay outside. 

"There's a neighbourhood meeting at noon," Caro informed me.


This was a meeting with our two neighbours who oppose the development out the back. I went straight into business analyst mode because I knew it would be a "whining" session. 

And of course it was. "AND the developer did that thing and also another thing and also I'm almost next to positive SURE he can't do that thing..."

Just give me the facts.

So after 45 minutes of waffle we have actions we are going to take. I made sure that the neighbours got some of these actions because I sensed they wanted Caro to do it all. 


Then I got home, ready to go back to being inactive. 


Craig and Shenée were on their way to ours. 

I wasn't cross. They were doing us a favour. Caro had asked for Craig's help in looking around some car yards. The pair were in high spirits when we saw them and actually it was a lot of fun. 

We went for our 2nd Italian meal of the weekend because I know it's Shenée's favourite. So we got them dinner at Passo because they were so nice in helping us. And we ended up having a great time with the pair. 

We finally got back home at around six, ready to start our Sunday. But then Caro called Feefs about the job. 

"I got a 'leaker'," said Feefs.

"Oh my god I HAVE to know the details!" said Caro. Not concerned that this meant I would hear the details too. 

So Feefs picked up a fellow and part of the process is that you put a pillow under the client's head as you place him on the stretcher. But as she went to lift his head...

Finger straight through the skull. "Like she was handling a bowling ball," said Feef's husband (who was also being subjected to the conversation). 

"Oh you've got a 'leaker'. That's unfortunate," said Feef's trainer. With an incredible level of understatement. 

Fortunately Feefs takes all of this in her stride and was very professional about it. And it sounds like she is doing just great in her new job.

As for me, it is time for my quiet Sunday to start. So if you'll excuse me....


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