Nicolai Maersk and paddlers

I know who my money was on!
It was a container ship arriving at a good time, 1100 hrs, but I never got to the spot where I intended to take the pictures due to road works and Nicolai being a little early.
I thought a collage suitable as I couldn't decide which shot to use so Nicolai with tug at the top, Huria Matenga II in the middle and a couple of paddlers on a sit on kayak at the bottom and I'm sure if the Pilot boat or the Harbourmaster had been about they would have shepherded them further away.
Nicolai Maersk for those who are interested was built in 2000 and sails under the flag of Hong Kong, she'll carry 2240 TEU (Twenty Foot Equivalent Units), She's 198 metres long (650 feet) x 32 metres in the beam (105 feet) with a draft of 9 metres (30 feet).

Kasper continues to improve although a small yelp from him on his afternoon walk as we walked around the local football pitch watching Nelson v Dunedin, 1 all when I left.

Yet another beautiful day with big blue skies with more of the same promised tomorrow.

Best seen in large.

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