Lala's Journal

By Lala

10 months exactly

I realised late this afternoon that it is the 22nd. A fitting day then to scatter ashes and light lanterns. 

We all spent a pleasant afternoon, going out for some lunch before scattering some of the ashes in the garden as B had wanted. Once dusk fell we made our way to the seafront. I scattered more at the shoreline before the others lit lanterns as I held onto the dogs. What a faff! I should have taken the bbq lighter! We sent three on their way, and it was quite emotional, but I could hear B in my ear and I know exactly what he would have said! When we got home we lit two more and sent them on their way from the house. 
Tomorrow, when they have all gone will put some ashes in the courtyard rose. B was no gardener, and had little interest in flowers etc, but he loved our courtyard and the huge rose bush. The rest of the ashes will be saved to be mixed with mine when my time comes. James and the girls posted their videos and photos on Facebook, but Liam went further and made a compilation video with the Nights in White Satin music, for TikTok, which I have saved.
I have been ok, but think I’ll have a good cry tomorrow when they’ve gone home. 
Thank you to those of you who read last night’s blip and sent messages today x

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