New Defibrillator
Today was a day of mixed emotions. When Terry died last year Sue was determined to raise money for a defibrillator to be installed at the golf club where he had collapsed. People had been so generous with donations, so she didn't just raise money for Davyhulme Golf Club but enough for two more also. Scott is not only a friend of Sue's but also a paramedic with North West Ambulance Service and has helped organise the defibrillators. He brought the ambulance and after Sue had made a beautiful speech he reversed the ambulance and revealed the newly installed defibrillator. Mr Captain, Lady Captain and lots of friends and family were there. It is a wonderful legacy of a lovely man. Although we hope it will never have to be used, it is great to know it is there and can be used in an emergency.
It has taken over six months to organise and it was a momentous day for Sue, but also one of tears.
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