sweet boy

After a slightly challenging morning of learning to parent a pre-teen, Isaac and I went off in search of fresh air. It was one of the loveliest walks with a very loving little boy until he somehow managed to stumble as he descended the bendy tree. He banged his head on his way down and I panicked big time. Antony rushed to collect us and there was an amazing guy on the trail who showed us how to use light to check for concussion and explained all the signs to look for in head injuries. I’m hoping Isaac is absolutely fine (he’s been dancing around tonight and the egg on his head went down really quickly) but I’m paranoid and feeling like the worst Mum for not catching him.

Later, once the drama had died down, Eve and Isaac showered him with much love and attention. They baked biscuits together very harmoniously.


1. Grace;
2. Family;
3. Isaac’s delight at Nanny’s wheels and collecting dandelions.

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