A Brave Wedding

End of the lovely spell, windy, mostly sunny in the morning and early afternoon, cloudy later and gales picking up.  Hopefully the gales won't flatten all the lovely flowers.

Up early for a Saturday, and got washing out.  Helped peerie Brian get wood into the garden, he's putting down a new decking area.  Met friend Julie for walkies before lunch.  Headed up to see big Brian and Madeline in their caravan in Skeld.  Headed down to mam's before tea, as they leave for a cruise up the Seine.  Working in the shop this evening, and a quiet start.  The last hour went crazy busy.  Might try a pint later. 

While we were sitting in the caravan, a group started to gather at the marina, and headed up the breakwater.  All dressed up, men in kilts, then next we knew, a bride came by.  A brave bunch risking an outside wedding in April, shame it hadn't been earlier in the week or yesterday.  They all looked cheery, and the celebrations looked to go to plan, despite the wind.  Taken at Skeld caravan park and marina, Sandsting.  

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