One of those days

The forecast was good and we had the day to ourselves as KK left at 6.30am to cycle to work. Packed up the van with cooker and bacon and eggs for lunch and set off. First we couldn't find a suitable place to stop and walk out of the cold wind. Eventually settled on somewhere and after  a short walk across the beach we got the chairs and camp cooker from the van and set it up. Then realised I had forgotten the matches so no lunch. My excuse is my small cooker as an inbuilt lighter. Anyway not far from home so we decided to return and cook lunch in the garden which was good. 
KK was late home from work and when he arrived on foot he said his bike had been stolen. He hadn't wanted to ride into town on it apparently so hid it in some nearby bushes! I wonder what goes through his head sometimes! I decided to go the the police station to see if it was handed in and yes they had it. They said it was picked up at 8am as someone was worried there was a missing person. Anyway all's well in the end and KK is to put his bike in the town bike rack like everyone else, Police orders. 

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