Whatcha gonna do when your luck begins to run

And so it was I made it to the end of the week.

The Boss went on holiday on Thursday night and reaching Thursday night without murder was my aim.

I made it

It was close

Audit file signed off; year end accounts updated to reflect the changes. Consolidation completed to incorporate six subsidiaries changes.

Was it enough? No. - send it over to the auditor to check what you have done. I sent it. She said ‘why?’ I said because he wants you to.

She emailed back… of course Dwnb’s changes are correct. Why wouldn’t they be :)

And so Friday. Was a day of smiles and loud music for everyone.

It’s not just me he piles pressure on… my mate in Ops is also under 24/7. We bounce off each other every day.

The best bit about yesterday was that the Big Boss was in and he and I were having a great chat …. And the other boss came down and stood and looked at us. And we both just looked at each other, sniggered and stopped talking.

It winds him up to the point of distraction.

Oh good things

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