Living my dream

By Mima

She's back!

Bean is home. Hooray!

She responded well to the treatment overnight and is out of the woods. It was thanks to the prompt action of Jess the vet (and Mima the mum) that they got the correct drugs into her quickly, before her pancreas had been too badly compromised.

She spent the night on two drips, a fleece bed and a heated floor in the vet clinic. Out for the count.

I popped into see her first thing because she hadn’t eaten and hadn’t had a pee. She perked up when I arrived, immediately asked to go out and then indulged me by eating a few mouthfuls of the vet’s weird tinned dog food. (She doesn’t understand tins of cooked meat, normally eating only raw meat.) 

The extra was taken in her vet crate, sporting a couple of lovely bootees. You can see the fluids tube snaking into one of them to the cannula secured onto her wrist beneath. The other arm had been receiving fentanyl, ketamine and an anti-emetic, all of which were finished by this time.

I returned a few hours later when the fluids drip had flushed out her pancreas, and brought her home. She was very eager to leave. She has slept almost continually since getting back.

The bandage on her back leg covers a fentanyl patch which releases the drug at low levels for the next 48 hours. We go back on Monday for it to be removed safely.

I am overwhelmed by your kind comments and all the stars and hearts in response to yesterday’s Blip. Thank you all. It touches me deeply that you understand (or at least humour) my love for this dog. 

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