Until Next Time

I was up at 6:00am too be sure and capture the sunrise on our last morning at the farm. It did not disappoint. By the time we pulled out of the driveway, it was 8:47. Our BIL was still in bed feeling rough. At least he found his rescue inhaler so that should help. Hubby seems better, just a deep cough and congestion. We made four stops: bought bird seed, etc at Rural King, cheese and sanding sugar at the little market, a lemon crumb cake at Blue Goose and lunch/thank you gift for Kristen at Cracker Barrel. We may try to find a nice bottle of wine for my DIL to go with her cheese. Kristen and her hubby took the day off and are working on their flower and vegetable gardens so we will take Chase home. We also must fill up the fuel tank. The traffic has been light but we are in rush hour congestion now. We saw one accident so far but it was on the other side of the interstate. I have been reading your journals but with only fours of sleep last night, I keep dozing. We have two more hours of travel but I am fading fast. Have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for stopping by. Be safe. "If you are in a beautiful place where you can enjoy the sunrise and sunset, then you are living like a lord." - Nathan Phillips

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